Fitness Update: high-grade tendon tears

Today, I got the call from my doctor that I’ve been dreading…I apparently damaged the tendons in my elbow when I fell a few weeks ago while I was bouldering. For those of you who have not seen my post about the whole incident, you can click here to learn more about it. But long story short, I was climbing a V3 problem when I slipped and fell, and unintentionally landed on my right arm.

Given the fact that my arm has slowly been feeling much better, I was really hoping that the injury is just a minor sprain, but according to my doctor, I’ve partially torn several of the tendons in my elbow. I’ve been ordered to get an MRI as soon as possible, and then I’d have to go see an orthopaedic surgeon. My doctor even mentioned that I’d probably have to go through rehab after all that. It’s honestly a bit hard to process just how serious my injury is. I really thought that it would take me 2 weeks max to get back on the wall. Now, it’s looking like it’s going to be a long while before I can even go back to working out 😦 I feel like I’m losing all of my hard-earned progress with every minute that I spend just sitting at home. I’m even considering running now that I can’t lift weights, AND let me tell you…I hate cardio with every fibre of my being! 😥

Anyway, I will update you all as soon as I learn more about what’s in store for me in the coming months. Wish me a speedy recovery!

5 thoughts on “Fitness Update: high-grade tendon tears

  1. Amber says:

    Oh sugar. I’m so sorry! I know how it is to be sidelined when doing something you love. I’m actually surprised you didn’t fully break your arm falling. (I feel off a dresser when I was about 8 and broke mine.) Anyway, I’m sending good vibes that it get better sooner rather than later… AND if you want a running buddy, even if it’s just a blog running buddy, you let me know. I’ve got to get my butt back out running again too. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Stephanie says:

      Thanks Amber! 🙂 Falling off a dresser sounds awful 😦 I’m assuming your arm healed up nicely, without any lasting damage?

      I am pretty fortunate that I didn’t break or fracture my arm. The thick mat that I fell on served its purpose 🙂 It’s just a bit of a disappointment to not be able to go climbing after I’ve gotten so into it. I miss working out too, but this will hopefully give me the chance to concentrate on building my leg muscles. Leg day is usually my least favourite lol.

      Anyway, I’d love a running buddy! 🙂 Update me on your progress. I’m pretty new to the whole running thing, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep it up.


      • Amber says:

        It was a pretty nasty fracture, which I’ve been told are worse than breaks. Healed up okay, aside from me having an achy arm from time to time with the weather.

        Thank goodness for the mat then! Because had you actually broken your arm or fractured, you’d be out still and probably longer at that. It sucks regardless.

        Running wise, I’m just getting back into it also. Trust me, you’ll be able to keep up. Today I’m basically going for a two mile -walk- with some light jogging in parts. You have to build yourself up! Try looking into the Couch to 5K online. I was into running in school and then got out of it. When I got back into it, that program was essential to helping build my endurance back. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Stephanie says:

        It’s great to hear that there’s no lasting damage 🙂 Hopefully the same goes for me.

        As for running, I’ve always been bad at it. I get winded pretty quickly, but there’s really not much else I can do right now in terms of exercise, so I’m going to give it a try. I looked into the program that you mentioned, and it seems doable. It’s making the prospect of running a little bit less daunting, so I’ll try to follow it 🙂 Thanks for the advice!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Amber says:

        You’re very welcome, doll! And I’ll be using it too! When it cools off here tonight, (It’s soooo humid.) I’ll be restarting week 1/day 1.

        And that program will help with the winded part. 😉

        Good luck!! ❤


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